
After graduating from the New Media Program at the University of Maine I picked up a job working as a personal assistant and project manager for Bates College Professor of theatre and international artist William Pope .L. Pope .L was constantly challenging my ingenuity, patience, creativity, and problem solving skills. He showed me how to manage a staff while still balancing my own work as well as addressing any task that may arise for Pope .L on a day to day basis.  

My gig with Pope .L ended when he moved to Chicago for a teaching position at the University of Chicago and I spent the next several months like many Americans did; Unemployed.  During my time of unemployment I had many conversations with people close to my age who shared my frustrations about being a college graduate without any potential job offers in my field.  I felt alone, angry, and confused with no sense of direction. I soon found out that I was not the only one who felt like this, in fact the more people I spoke to the more I found out that many people were in the same situation as myself.

And so, considering myself an artist and filmmaker I set out to make a documentary. It first started following four subjects in various parts of Maine. This proved to be very difficult, for one thing I was traveling almost two hours each week to get to my subjects, some were fine with speaking about their current situation on camera but were reluctant to allow me to follow them full time. A task that would have been difficult for myself even if they were ok with, while trying to film my subjects I had also started working full time at a call center in Lewiston Maine. I realized that if I wanted to pay my bills as well as fund my own project I needed to be working full time, which is ironic because the more I worked to make money to fund my project, the less time I had to actually film it.

This project is still in it's early stages and is still growing, changing and evolving. That's what's interesting about documentary film, it takes on a life of it's own. Right now this film is taking me on a journey that with your help I hope that you can join me on this journey.

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