
Like most independent filmmakers and artist I struggle between balancing my passions and my responsibilities. I am passionate about the human condition, I am passionate about creating thought provoking, inspirational films driven by poetic images, influential characters, and relatable situations. That is what I am passionate about. However these days being passionate about something doesn't mean you can support yourself from it and that's were responsibility comes in. I'm responsible for paying rent and getting my loans in on time, I'm responsible for feeding my dog and going to work, most of all I am responsible for what direction my life goes in. I'm responsible for it but it doesn't mean I have to do it all alone.

So far I have put in over $800 of my own hard earned money on this film in tapes, equipment, travel, food, and time. I have over 12 hours of footage to be cut and edited to make a dynamic and inspirational documentary. All while working a 40 hour week making just above minimum wage without two consecutive days off.

Here's where you come in:
Help an artist out by donating to this project. All proceeds go toward the funding of this film, donate as much or as little as you like and a little can go a long way. Think of it this way;
I have 220 friends on Facebook, if each person only donated $1 that's $220 that I didn't have before to help fund my film.

$200 lets see that's:
33 60 minute tapes I didn't have before OR
2 wireless lapel microphones for better sound quality
Aprox 15 trips to the Portland area for dynamic, compelling footage.

All because you and some friends donated one dollar, just one dollar.
Of course there would there are some perks for those who would like to open their wallet just a little wider.

$10 - Official signed copy of finished DVD

$25 - DVD and personal invite to first screening party

$50 and up - Above mentioned items and Producer Credits. The more you donate the higher up on the list you go.