Friday, January 14, 2011

Dan Sprogis Art

I wanted to share a link to another creative blog. Dan was a few years a head of me in the New Media program at the University of Maine and quite the talented fellow. I must say Dan's talent took me by surprise, see when I first met Dan I got the impression that he was more of we college fokes would call a "bro" basically someone who is mostly interested in short skirts, late nights, and keg stands.  That old expression don't judge a book by it's cover? Well man did that ring true for me in this situation, as I got to know Dan not only did he prove himself to be insightful but also one of the most talented artist I have known.  Today day Dan attends Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning where he studies film and animation, don't be surprised if you see his name in the credits of your next favorite animated feature.

Check out this Blog here:

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